
Q&A with A Chorus Line's Nick Nerio

As the summer inches by, the A Chorus Line company draws ever closer to its Japanese debut. Chief among the excited kickliners is the endlessly versatile Nick Nerio, who spent his time on the US tour playing Butch and covering roles like Paul and Richie, but will don Paul’s orange hoodie full-time when the gang heads overseas. Read his blog entry below to find out how we will approach Paul’s gripping monologue each night as well as his surefire way to get free swag from bartenders on this side of the Pacific.

Nick Nerio


Paul San Marco

Describe your favorite song / scene / moment in A Chorus Line.

That's a tough question, there are so many spectacular moments in this show. If I had to pick one, I think it would be the first time the full company does the opening combination "away from the mirror." It’s such an exciting moment for both the cast and audience I think. To see all the dancers doing such explosive choreography... it’s great!!!

How many times did you go on for Paul during the US tour of A Chorus Line? What were those experiences like?

I went on for Paul about six times. The first time was pretty nerve-wracking. As an understudy, you are ready at a moment’s notice to go on. But once that time comes, all of the dance numbers and lines come rushing to your head. Once you're onstage, you do your best to be in the correct spot, dancing on the correct foot, etc. The challenge is to really enjoy the experience, and not just be in your head. That's why I am so excited to be playing the role full time. To live in it every show. 

Paul’s monologue in many ways is the heart of A Chorus Line. How do you plan on approaching it each night in Japan?

I'm going to approach it the same way I did on to tour. It’s pretty lengthy, so the challenge is to keep the audience engaged, while not pushing. I just get out there and tell the story. It's so well written, it’s not difficult to get there emotionally, and I think it’s the emotion that the audience connects with. 

Nick Nerio as Paul / Photo by GION.

Have you ever been to Japan? What excites you most about your visit?

No, I have never been that far East. The food, culture, fashion, people, you name it. I'm excited. 

What was the funniest thing that happened to you on or offstage on the first leg of the tour?

I have many funny stories from the road. One that comes to mind involves myself, and three of the other boys… We were out at a bar after the show and decided it would be a good idea to sing the last few bars on "One" in harmony into the mic for the entire bar to hear. We received a rousing round of applause and free drinks all night. It was a night to remember, and we have the t-shirts to prove it. 

Which was your favorite stop on the US tour and why?

I'd have to say Santa Barbara, CA. The weather was perfect. The downtown was quaint with great shopping. We were able to lay out at the beach. And on a day off I visited a few of the local wineries. 

Name one item you could not have lived without while on the road.

My iPod. 

If you could go back in time and catch any Broadway show what would it be and why?

West Side Story. I'd love to see the cast dance that stunning choreography just as Robbins set it. 

What is your favorite showtune and why?

This question is so hard for me to answer. I love SO MANY showtunes! But, I'm going to go with "Edelweiss" from The Sound of Music. I am a huge Rodgers and Hammerstein fan. And this is the last song that they wrote together. It’s such a simple, sweet melody and makes me smile every time I hear it. 

What are the top five most listened to songs on your iPod?

I don't know if these are technically the top five, but they are five I enjoy listening to. I have a very eclectic taste in music.

1.     "Hair" - Lady Gaga
2.     "Try A Little Tenderness" - Otis Redding
3.     "If It Kills Me" - Jason Mraz
4.     "PYT" - Michael Jackson
5.     "I Don't Know What It Is" - Rufus Wainwright

Do you have any pop culture guilty pleasures?

Yes. I read daily and enjoy So You Think You Can Dance

The world is dying to know… what have you been doing in your downtime before the Japanese engagement of A Chorus Line?

I have been enjoying summer in New York City. Taking dance class, spending time in Central Park, hanging out with friends. I've also done some traveling. Visited my family in Texas and attended a friend's wedding in Los Angeles.